AI combined with the Adobe suite: a world of possibilities!


Sabina Advertising has been working with professional photographers for over thirty years, and continues to do so for certain mandates. In recent years, however, the agency has subscribed to various data bases, not only to find less expensive solutions, but above all to be able to react quickly in terms of setting up a specific campaign or promotion.

Today, the agency’s creative team has gone one step further and is now ALSO working with artificial intelligence (AI) linked to the Adobe creative suite.

What does this mean in concrete terms for our customers?

It means that, for an existing photo used for advertising as below (#1), artificial intelligence can create, on demand, what’s missing in the original image (#2).

The benefits for the customer or advertiser are enormous: no more problems with framing and “lack of decor”, tenfold creativity (if it’s mastered and tastefully done!), and finally, the birth – almost in real time – of a new image ready for retouching and production, for which the customer can now acquire the rights for all subsequent uses and all forms of communication.

Tell us about your project!

+41(0) 21 616 41 41 To find us in our Lausanne offices

sabina advertising
Avenue du Mont d'Or 67
1007 Lausanne

Please note: the agency is closed on the first Monday of each month.